
Using Yoga for Weigh loss

In today's society carrying excess weight is becoming the norm rather than the exception.  Lifestyles are increasingly sedentary, peoples diet is becoming increasingly processed and …

Yoga as a Form Of Corporate Stress management

In a corporate environment one of the things that makes a critical difference for employees is a relaxed congenial environment.  The headquarters of Google is one of the most productive p…

Why Yoga is Important For An Office Worker

Yoga and office workers don't usually mix, but they should.  When you work in an office you will usually be spending a lot of time hunched over a keyboard and sitting in a seat.  It c…

The Universal Appeal of Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for 400 years and is a system of exercises which are very easy and effective at increasing a persons overall health ad well-being.  Yoga instructors and students a…

The Three Chief Benefits Of Yoga

Four thousand years ago Yoga was practiced in India, today it is popular all over the world and in numerous different styles and forms.  Not only is the popularity of this form of exercis…

The Different Motivations And benefits Of Yoga

There are many different reasons for taking up and practising Yoga.  For one person they may be ill and looking to rejuvenate themselves.  Another will want to maintain and improve their cu…

The Effects And Benefits Of Different Types Of Yoga

The origins of Yoga are about 4000 years old and based in a Far Eastern spiritual practice designed to realize ones own Divine Nature.  In the western world today it is mostly seen as a for…

Learn Yoga - Step by Step

The benefits of Yoga are well know to everyone who has ever tried the discipline but if you are new to Yoga let me recap.  Yoga is a fantastically popular and effective way of strengtheni…

Frequently Asked Questions about Pre Natal Yoga.

When you are pregnant everyone has an opinion and an important skill to learn early on in the pregnancy is to be able to listen to these opinions, comment politely and then make up your o…

How To Get The Most From Yoga

Yoga is an ancient art that has been refined and modified by many great teachers across the ages.  It now comes in so many different styles and techniques and different people may find …

Frequently Asked Questions On Yoga

Yoga has been around for an incredibly long time and over that period different practitioners have added their own refinements and styles into the basic Yoga discipline.  There are so many…

An Introduction To Bikram Yoga

Most people have a passing knowledge with what Yoga is, or think they know about what it sets out to achieve.  But until you have tried Yoga it is impossible to know whether you have the …

Different Yoga Poses and Asanas

Classical yoga has developed over time to include many different styles for a range of situations, needs and preferences.  However the majority of Yoga styles still fall neatly into either …

3 Ways Yoga Can Benefit The Businessperson

The lot of a modern businessman is a stressful one and there is always so much to do.  It would take a pretty compelling set of reasons to convince a successful businessman (or even an uns…

3 Common Mistakes by Yoga Newcomers

Whenever we start something new we have a certain feeling of trepidation and uncertainty of the unknown and in most cases it is completely unfounded and we get on with things very quickly…

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