Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology-Perpustakaan.org
By:Lois A. Vitt
Published on 1996 by Greenwood
This is a comprehensive encyclopedia covering the financial issues that are significant to older Americans.
It has been written by experts in a range of specialties to provide inter-disciplinary information for use in academic, policy, and public information and library settings.
A-to-Z arranged entries deal with gerontological and finance terms and concepts, policies and programmes, and needs and problems - from expenditures and financial planning to insurance and taxes; family, ethical, and legal issues; housing, health care, and old-age security questions and programmes; and much more.
Each article features references to research, key bibliographies, sources for advice, and guides to further information.
The encyclopedia is cross-referenced and fully indexed for easy use by lay persons, researchers, and professionals working with persons over 55 and their families.
Teachers, students, practitioners, and general readers will find in this reference work useful.
This Book was ranked at 138 by Google Books for keyword financial,insurance.
Book ID of Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology's Books is yfBGAAAAMAAJ, Book which was written by "Lois A. Vitt" have ETAG "GhlLxhlaPzs"
Book which was published by Greenwood since 1996 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is UOM:39015037421362
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Book which have "640 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category Aged
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