Technical Analysis For

Technical Analysis For
By:Barbara Rockefeller
Published on 2019-10-01 by John Wiley & Sons

Grasp and apply the basic principles of technical analysis Savvy traders know that the best way to maximize return is to interpret real-world market information for themselves rather than relying solely on the predictions of professional analysts.

This straightforward guide shows you how to put this into profitable action—from basic principles and useful formulas to current theories on market trends and behavioral economics—to make the most lucrative decisions for your portfolio.

The latest edition of Technical Analysis for Dummies includes a brand-new chapter on making the right decisions in a bull or bear market, an updated look at unique formulas and key indicators, as well as refreshed and practical examples that reflect today today's financial atmosphere.

Become an expert in spotting market trends and key indicators Get the skinny on the latest research on behavioral economics Take a deep dive into how to read market sentiment and make it work for you Get a look at the first innovation in charting for decades—straight from Japan With comprehensive coverage from charting basics to the cutting edge, Technical Analysis for Dummies includes everything you need to the make informed independent market decisions that will maximize your profits.

Happy trading!

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Book ID of Technical Analysis For Dummies's Books is SPurDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written by "Barbara Rockefeller" have ETAG "BDEtCnAOh+g"

Book which was published by John Wiley & Sons since 2019-10-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 1119596556 and ISBN 10 Code is 9781119596554

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Book which have "389 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category Business & Economics

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