Indonesia kini & masa
Published on 2006 by
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Japanese rice traders have successfully used candle signals to amass huge fortunes for nearly four centuries.
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This book explains step-by-step how you can make money by trading the powerful and proven candlestick techniques.
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This book will enable both new traders and experienced traders derive systematic and consistent profits from the market by adding candlestick charting to their trading arsenal.
REVIEWS FOR THE BOOK "Educative addition to the technical trader's shelf." — The Hindu Business Line "Clearly explains and reinforces the message of each candlestick pattern, pointing out other details that can help determine success or failure at each occurrence.
The real life examples are manifold, well chosen and amplify the lessons being taught.
Highly recommended reading for traders in all markets to discover ways of profiting from candlestick trading." — Alan Northcott "Sadekar's book not only manages to live upto the expectations but probably excels them.
Sadekar attempts to keep things simple, and targets the beginner to intermediate level technician as his target audience.
Each type of reversal, consolidation and continuation pattern is tackled in individual chapters and illustrated liberally with charts of Indian stocks.
The author leaves ample strategies for the not so active trader, also combining Dow theory tools like trend lines, oscillators and moving averages with the oriental techniques.
This gives the reader an immediate advantage of getting the best of both the worlds.
While all chapters are interesting read, chapters 11 & 12 are the highlights of the book as they lay out a simple but actionable game plan for a trader and investor.
As if the overall package was not sweet enough, Sadekar has compiled a tear-away candlestick ready-reckoner at the end of the book to identify emerging patterns in real time.
At its price, the book is a value buy.
All in all, a must read book for every freshman candle sticks trader." — Vijay L.
Bhambwani, Technical Analyst, CEO -
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