By:Paul Wilmott
Published on 1999-02-05 by Wiley

Derivatives by Paul Wilmott provides the most comprehensive and accessible analysis of the art of science in financial modeling available.

Wilmott explains and challenges many of the tried and tested models while at the same time offering the reader many new and previously unpublished ideas and techniques.

Paul Wilmott has produced a compelling and essential new work in this field.

The basics of the established theories-such as stochastic calculus, Black-Scholes, binomial trees and interest-rate models-are covered in clear and precise detail, but Derivatives goes much further.

Complex models-such as path dependency, non-probabilistic models, static hedging and quasi-Monte Carlo methods-are introduced and explained to a highly sophisticated level.

But theory in itself is not enough, an understanding of the role the techniques play in the daily world of finance is also examined through the use of spreadsheets, examples and the inclusion of Visual Basic programs.

The book is divided into six parts: Part One: acts as an introduction and explanation of the fundamentals of derivatives theory and practice, dealing with the equity, commodity and currency worlds.

Part Two: takes the mathematics of Part One to a more complex level, introducing the concept of path dependency.

Part Three: concerns extensions of the Black-Scholes world, both classic and modern.

Part Four: deals with models for fixed-income products.

Part Five: describes models for risk management and measurement.

Part Six: delivers the numerical methods required for implementing the models described in the rest of the book.

Derivatives also includes a CD containing a wide variety of implementation material related to the book in the form of spreadsheets and executable programs together with resource material such as demonstration software and relevant contributed articles.

At all times the style remains readable and compelling making Derivatives the essential book on every finance shelf.

This Book was ranked at 397 by Google Books for keyword forex,bisnis.

Book ID of Derivatives's Books is BCKLAAAACAAJ, Book which was written by "Paul Wilmott" have ETAG "Du+hHKGp/SY"

Book which was published by Wiley since 1999-02-05 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780471986706 and ISBN 10 Code is 0471986704

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Book which have "252 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category Business & Economics

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If you could have only one book on central bank asset management, this would be it.

—Peter R.

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This book is a timely source of information and guidance.

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The essays in this admirable book, written by some of the worlds most highly experienced officials, cover the full range of why and how this is currently being done and how new developments are affecting old practices.

Interesting conceptually and immensely useful practically.

—William White, Senior Fellow at the C.D.

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The spectrum of authors is broad and their combined insight is very valuable.

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In this volume, Jacob Bjorheim has assembled a stellar cast of experts to explain how and what that means for reserves management.

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An indispensable post-crisis update of the subject and a a required reading for anyone professionally involved with central bank’s asset management, or simply curious about a topic benefitting otherwise from limited research.

—Louis de Montpellier, Former Global Head, Official Institutions Group, SSGA, and former Deputy Head, Banking Department, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Basel At last, a book that shares with a wider audience, deep insight in a unique, challenging and ethical approach of asset management developed and implemented in the secretive world of central banks.

If you wonder how to manage funds that stand ready for use at short notice in times of stress then this book is for you.

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Second, the very impressive list of prominent institutions and authors that have contributed and shared their analysis and practical approaches of the issues presented.

What is better than to get the information directly from first-hand practitioners, experts and managers themselves in their own words? —Jean-Pierre Matt, Former Head of Financial Analysis at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and founder of Quanteis This book holds the promise to become the go-to guide for anyone wishing to learn more about the management of official foreign exchange reserves.

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I am yet to see a compendium on official reserve management with similar reach in subject matter.

—Leon Myburgh, Former Head Financial Markets Department, South African Reserve Bank (SARB), Pretoria This is an immensely timely book at a time when central bank operations, and their balance sheets, remain “larger for longer”.

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The authors of this book combine extensive technical and practical experience, and their observations will fill an important gap in the literature at a critical time.

—Freyr Hermannsson, Former Head of Treasury, Central Bank of Iceland, Reykjavík

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